The Bird Butler(TM) is a self-contained, sanitary, water bottle that fills in seconds without removing from the cage. It can go 3-4 days between filling! The Bird Butler(TM) is a water bottle that works on all birds, from finches up to large macaws and cockatoos, and is practically indestructible (a little can work for other animals as well). The Bird Butler(TM) is portable and goes from the cage to the carrier in seconds. It is great for traveling and won't spill and slosh around. Our Bird Butlers(TM) were designed, tested, and used by professional bird breeders and are now in use all over the world.

We have different sizes bottles and durability of valves to fit your bird's needs.

Choose Stainless Steel for the largest of birds, Heavy Duty for medium, and Variable Valve for the smaller birds. See our sizing recommendations: OUR BIRD BUTLER SIZING RECOMMENDATIONS

Click the link below for a great video of an "unboxing" of one of our Bird Butlers and a very satisfied client, Nico. Nico was a quick study.

Nico Loves The Bird Butler

As mentioned in the video, be sure that your bird takes to the Bird Butler before removing the previous source of water.